S&W Engineering Engraving Mill
with Centroid M39 Control

Aux Keys

Open/close spindle tool clamp
Open/close tool rack cover
Extend/retract touch probe

Custom M Functions

M10 Clamp tool in spindle
M11 Unclamp tool in spindle
M21 Pick up new tool (used by M6 procedure)
M22 Put away current tool (used by M6 procedure)
M23 Measure and verify current tool (used by M6 procedure)
M24 Remeasure and store Z Reference in Parameter 942
M40 Extend touch probe
M41 Retract touch probe
M46 Open tool rack cover (used by M6 procedure)
M47 Close tool rack cover (used by M6 procedure)
M61 Probe center of die, set part zero there

Parameters, Variables, Coordinate Systems and Return Points

Machine Parameters

Parameter Typical value Meaning
940 1.675 X spacing between touch probe centerline and spindle centerline
941 0.010 Error tolerance for subsequent measurements of same tool
942 -6.076 Z Reference for tool measurement (distance down from home to trip touch probe on tool pad)
943 0.000 Y spacing between touch probe centerline and spindle centerline
950 -1.500 Y axis spacing between tool rack pockets
951 -6.860 Z position (in WCS #6) where spindle just clears tool holders in rack
952 -7.790 Z position (in WCS #6) to pick up and drop off tool holders in rack

CNC Variables

Variable Typical value Meaning
159 0 - 7 Tool number currently in spindle

Coordinate Systems and Return Points

Location Use
WCS #1 - #5
Available for machining parts
WCS #6
Reserved for tool rack location: X0Y0 at Tool 1 pocket,
Z0 at machine home
Return Point #3
(G30 P3)
Touch probe aligned over tool touch pad
Return Point #4
(G30 P4)
Spindle aligned over tool touch pad (tool-measuring start point)

Errors and Faults

The PLC program can generate the following error and fault messages, in addition to those listed in the Centroid operator's manual:

"8080 Close tool clamp before starting spindle!"

You attempted to start the spindle, but the tool clamp is open.

Close the clamp, or load a tool as needed with M6, then try again.